By Kevin Cashman, originally posted on
We are witnessing an impassioned debate playing out in our political and cultural worlds. Should we serve our own interests or the broader interests? Should we put America first or the world? Should we place our company interests first, our customers’ interests, or the environment? Should we place our career success as primary or our team’s success? The answer to these and other salient questions is obvious. “Yes.” We need to do it all.
However, today’s debate tries to force a decision—one or the other— on issues that call for dynamic and tough reconciliation. All our leadership research spanning millions of senior leaders globally suggests that leadership involves the constant reconciliation of the “I” and the “We” domains of leadership. When do we push and drive for our own way, excluding the views of others, and when do we involve others: listen, collaborate, and synthesize their insights for a more diverse and inclusive view?