Think about it. When do you get your best ideas? To be truly productive, to optimize our capacities for creative solutions, innovations and transformative leadership capabilities, we need to pause to connect to values and purpose, then lead forward more powerfully....
With the recent death of Warren Bennis, “the father of leadership,” we have been reflecting on the significance of his passing and what he has “passed along” to all of us. In our work with leaders, if there is an influence that has touched us most profoundly, it is...
“The demanding pace for global leaders has never been more challenging. Digitally connected every moment, we are increasingly tied to a 24-hour global clock. This is the ‘new normal.’ We are expected to perform continually in the face of global crises and multifaceted...
The phrase nosce teipsum, know thyself, has been a classic theme throughout history. We discover it in the writings of great thinkers, such as Socrates, Ovid, Cicero, in the sayings of the Seven Sages of Greece, on the entrance to the Temple of Apollo, in early...
In an article posted September 23, 2013, Arianna Huffington asked, “Are You Living Your Eulogy or Your Resume?” She further prodded, “Have you noticed that when people die, their eulogies celebrate life very differently from the way we define success in our everyday...