by Kevin Cashman | Nov 7, 2012 | Leadership
In this interview Kevin further discusses the Pause Principle, the book and some personal insight into how he applies pause in his home life. From (audio only).
by Margie | Oct 12, 2012 | Events
What would be the impact to your team and organization if you leveraged the power of questions more? What would happen if you used your drive, analytic capabilities, and intelligence to help others to grow versus having the answers and solving the problems? We explore...
by Kevin Cashman | Sep 15, 2012 | Leadership
This recent report on NPR is among many that confirm meditation practice can be an excellent way to train your mind and change your brain. Literally hundreds of studies have shown meditation to have a positive effect on everything from improved brain functioning,...
by Kevin Cashman | Nov 30, 2011 | Events
What Makes Aging a Purposeful Experience? – YouTube
by Kevin Cashman | Nov 30, 2011 | Leadership
George Hallenbeck and Indranil Roy for Chief Leadership Officer Magazine The center of gravity in the global economy is rapidly shifting to Asia. The region, led by emerging market powerhouses India and China, is first out of the gate in the global recovery and...
by Kevin Cashman | Nov 22, 2011 | Leadership
Powerful CEOs need powerful boards of directors to counterbalance them if their organizations are going to succeed, according to a recent study. And it’s HR’s unenviable task at times to make sure dominant CEOs understand that. Article for Human Resource...